Taylor Marie - Ordinary Girl

I know what people say
But I want to be just an ordinary girl
I want to say hi and bye without posing for the magazine
Sometimes I feel lost in this world that is not my
I want to know who I am, but it is difficult
I do not know, talk like they talk
Because I'm just ordinary girl

I'm lost with words
I have my dreams, but how can I believe?
If they laugh at how to walk and talk?
If they laugh at my clothes, my shoes
and my clothes?
I have one who supports me, and who never told me:
go ahead and follow your heart

I want to hear good night, before bed
Because I'm just an ordinary girl
I love what I do, that's not my problem
But with so much to do
I just keep forgetting that I am ...
Just an ordinary girl
I had plans for tonight
But I had to cancel them

I'm just an ordinary girl
An ordinary girl
Now I know what I need
Just a hug to sleep

Sometimes I wanted to be ignored
Or become one
(Ordinary Girl)

As they
Like myself
Like all other
Just an ordinary girl

I'm lost with words
I have my dreams, but how can I believe?
If they laugh at how to walk and talk?
If they laugh at my clothes, my shoes
and my clothes?
I have one who supports me, and who never told me:
go ahead and follow your heart

I have my friends and my family
Staying with me before the show
And in magazines with me
I really am an ordinary girl
I'm just an ordinary girl

I'm an ordinary girl
I have my world and do not need to copy anyone
My world is only people like me
(Girls only ordinary)

Now I'm my own path
And I will not care what people say
Because I am only an ordinary girl
I'll go my way
I will be an ordinary girl
That will not lie by saying every day
"I want a better world" or say
"Peace and Love"

I will not worry about what clothes to wear
Not if I'm beautiful or not
Because I am what I am
An ordinary girl